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This 10 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari is sustainable for bird watchers’ experience through Entebbe Botanical Gardens, Mabamba wetland, Lake Mburo National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Kibale National Park. Inquire Now

10 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari

10 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari

Day 1: Arrival at Entebbe Airport

Our office staff / driver will welcome you at Entebbe Airport. Drive to your hotel for check-in, and after you will be transferred to Entebbe Botanical Gardens for bird watching. The garden hosts a variety of water and woodland bird species among which include: The Pink-backed Pelican, Yellow White-eye, Purple-banded Sunbird, Lesser Jacana, Malachite Kingfisher, Splendid Starling, Little Sparrowhawk, Great Blue Turaco, Shikra, Ross’s Turaco, and Pied Kingfisher. Overnight at Laico Lake Victoria Hotel Meal Plan: Breakfast and Dinner.

Day 2: Entebbe – Lake Mburo National Park (5 hours drive)

After your early morning breakfast, you will drive to Mabamba swamp for bird watching and it is located on the showers of Lake Victoria, west of Kampala City. It is a home of  rare and beautiful bird species among which they include the rare Shoebill Stork, Goliath Herons, White faced whistling Duck, White-winged Warbler, Lesser Jacana, Blue-breasted Bee-eater, Winding Cisticola, Great blue Turaco, Ross’s Turaco, African pygmy Goose, Malachite Kingfisher, Later in afternoon you will be driven to Lake Mburo National Park for evening bird watching in the savannah at Lake Mburo National Park with stopovers at the Equator for souvenirs and en-route lunch. Welcome to bird species like papyrus Gonolek, Blue-headed Coucal, Black-collared Barbet, African Wattled Lapwing, Black-bellied Bustard, Saddle-billed Stork.  Overnight at Rwakobo Rock Lodge Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 3: Lake Mburo National Park – Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (6 hours drive)

Leave your place of stay in morning and drive for bird watching at Rubanga Forest for only one hour. It is a birders paradise for bird enthusiasts and also an ideal place for guided nature walks. Birds that can be seen here are; Grey backed cameroptera, double toothed barbet, coqui francolin, Ross’s turaco, red shouldered cuckoo shrike, red headed lover bird, black bellied bustard, emerald spotted wood done, bare faced go away bird, green hood hoopoe and Nubian woodpecker among the rest. After lunch you will be driven to Ruhija, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.  Overnight at Ruhija Gorilla Safari Lodge Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 4: Bird Watching at Mubwindi Swamp, Ruhija

Beside the history of this place, Mubwindi swamp is a home of many forest bird species. The name Bwindi originated from the name “Mubwindi” meaning impenetrable. One family wanted to cross the Mubwindi swamp but it was not Possible so they had to ask the spirits how they can cross this swamp but the spirits told them to scarifies their only beautiful daughter called “Nyinamuraki” and afterwards they crossed safely hence the name “Bwindi Impenetrable National Park”. Enjoy seeing bird species for the whole day.  Thanks to African Green Broad Bill (Pseudocalyptomena graurei), Shelley’s Crimson wing, Dusky Crimson wing, African Hill Babbler and Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher. African Green Broadbill plus the Grauer’s Rush Warbler.  Waller’s Starling, Short Tailed Warbler, Brown Capped Weaver, Rwenzori Turacco, Breasted Sunbird, Chubb’s Cisticola, Regal Sunbird, Streaky Seed Eater, and Kivu Ground Thrush, Overnight at Ruhija Gorilla Safari Lodge Meal Plan: Breakfast, and Dinner.

Day 5: Ruhija – Buhoma (2 hours drive)

You will have early morning breakfast and you head for bird watching around the Ruhija sector in search of bird species like Grey bush shrike, Starred Robin, Yellow Streaked Greenbul, African Green Broad Bill (Pseudocalyptomena graurei), Red Headed Bluebill, African Blue, African Emerald Cuckoo, White Tailed Blue Flycatcher and the common bulbul among other birds. Late evening you will be driven to Buhoma sector, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Overnight at Engagi Lodge Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 6: Bird watching at Buhoma Jungle

On this day you will walk into the jungle of Buhoma looking for your favorite species of bird through the help of your birding guide and they include African Shrike Flycatcher, Black and White Shrike Flycatcher, African Emerald Cockoo , Yellow spotted Barbet, Lagden’s Bush-Shrike, Short-tailed Warbler, Blue-headed Sunbird, Black Bee Eater, and Handsome Francolin. Overnight at Engagi Lodge. Meal Plan: Dinner.

Day 7: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park- Queen Elizabeth National Park (6 hours drive)

After your morning breakfast you will transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park.  The second largest national park in Uganda with 95 species of mammals and 610 species of birds. After lunch you will go for bird watching at Kazinga Channel and expect to see birds species like Great White Pelican, Saddle-soiled Stork, African Fish Eagle, Temminck’s Courser,  and African Skimmer, Common Squacco Heron, Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Common Godwit, Water Thick-knee, and African Spoonbill. Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 8: Queen Elizabeth National Park – Kibale National Park (3 hours drive)

Leave your accommodation early in the morning after breakfast and drive to Mweya Savannah for Bird watching where you will encounter beautiful bird species like Papyrus Gonolek, White-faced Scops-owl, and African fish Eagle, African Skimmer, Martial Eagle, African Mourning Dove, Great and Long-tailed Cormorants, Black-headed Gonolek, Common Squacco Heron, Sedge Warbler. After you will transfer to Bigodi wetland for another round of bird watching for birds like Great Blue Turaco, Grey Throated Flycatcher, Papyrus Gonoleks, Pied Kingfishers, Black- headed Weaver bird among other birds. Overnight at Primate Lodge Kibale Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 9: Bird Watching at Kibale National Park

This is the largest forests in Uganda, with 60 species of mammals and 335 species of birds recorded and also known for over 1,000 individuals of chimpanzee and other 12 species of primates. It is a birding spot known for bird species like Shinning-blue Kingfisher, Green-breasted Pitta, Crested Guinea Fowl, African Pitta, African crowned Eagle, and Ayres’s Hawk Eagle, Cassin’s Spinetail, Blue-headed Bee-eater, Nahan’s Francolin, Masked Apalis, White-naped Pigeon, Crowned Eagle, Red-chested Owlet among other birds. Overnight at Kibale Forest Camp Meal Plean: Breakfast, and Dinner.

Day 10: Kibale – Entebbe/out (7 hours drive)

After your early morning breakfast, you drive via Fort portal to Kampala to catch up with your flight back home with en-route lunch.

End of the 10 Days Uganda Bird Watching Safari. Inquire Now

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